An Introduction to Linux Filesystems
This article is intended to be a very high-level discussion of Linux filesystem concepts. It is not intended to be a low-level description of how...
Holiday snow on your terminal
I live in Minnesota and we haven't gotten a lot of snow yet, so I figured I'd add a little "holiday cheer" by writing a...
Host your own apps with Yunohost
Build your own collection of open source online apps with Yunohost and its one-click install app catalogue.
Converting to solid-state disks (SSDs) on the desktop
Image by David Both. CC-by-SA 4. If you have a need for speed, you need to consider the switch to SSDs. I know that many...
Getting the most out of your NVME drives
My laptops are equipped with NVMe drives, which impress me with their incredible speed. I'm delighted by the lightning-fast boot times and seamless data read...
Wordsmith on the Linux command line with dict
Check your spelling with the dict command.
Embracing Freedom and Flexibility: Why Linux Mint Could be Your Perfect OS Choice
I have owned several MacBooks, and I purchased one for my wife a few years ago. She's not a power user, mainly utilizing it for...
Inxi: Unleashing the Power of Linux System Insights through Command Line Mastery
In the world of Linux, where power and flexibility reign supreme, one of the most valuable tools at a user's disposal is the command line...
Five reasons to give Linux this year
Every year, folks ask me what kind of computer they should send their student to college with. My standard answer is Linux. After all, don’t...