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Calculate pi by counting pixels
This is a very simple way to measure pi, but it was a fun exercise and I wanted to share it.
Kernel musings
Being a curious sort of person, I wonder about a lot of interesting things. For some reason, I've started wondering about the Linux kernel and...
Don’t skip the learning process
Using AI as a tool to do a thing still relies on knowing how to do the thing yourself.
btop — the top of my dreams
The top program is the original system monitoring and management tool for Unix and Linux. It performs its task well and with a minimum of...
What Robbie the Robot can teach us about AI
Way back in 1956, when I was ten years old, my parents took my brother and I to a drive-in movie theater to see the...
Perl and Raku Conference will be held June 27-29, 2025 in Greenville, SC, USA
David Both to be the keynote speaker The Perl and Raku Conference for 2025 is coming up June 27-29, 2025, and it’s set to be...
Using AI to translate code
I was impressed that AI did so well translating from an old language like FORTRAN 77 into a more modern language like C.
Cautions when using AI for coding
While AI agents can help streamline development, keep in mind these cautions when using AI for coding.
Text fun with Inkscape
Inkscape is one of my favorite open-source graphic design tools. It has an intuitive interface that is relatively easy to master. As I learned to...
Selective updates using ‘dnf’
Here’s how I update my system except for one problem library
The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins, Tenet 17— Use your favorite editor
Author’s note: This article is excerpted in part from chapter 18 of my book, The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins, with some changes to update the...
What our system maintenance this past weekend says about Linux
I've been thinking a lot about the system maintenance I performed on Saturday, February 22. Prior to that day, I thought about what needed to...
Resurrecting a Windows laptop
Recently, a friend gave me a recent model of a Hewlett-Packard Pavilion laptop. He said, “It turns on but goes off almost immediately. Maybe you...
Fix SELinux problems with this little-known option
SELinux is a security subsystem that works to prevent files and code from running from places they don't belong. It's a big complex system that's...
Linux tools for network administrators
My initial reaction to Linux was that I did not fully understand its range of tools. At that time, I was the technology director for...
Keeping time with chrony
“Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” -- Chicago, 1969 Perhaps that rock group didn’t care what time it was...