Mastering the Linux cp Command: A Comprehensive Guide


When I began to use Linux over twenty-five years ago I was not as comfortable on the command line as I am now. I had used MS-DOS but most of my experience used a graphical user interface from Windows 3.1 or MacOS. I ran a web server with Apache on Mandrake and later Fedora Linux. I needed to copy files from one directory to another and began my journey to use the copy ‘cp’  command in Linux. My handy reference back then was the One Page Linux Manual. The myriad Linux resources that exist today did not exist then. I mostly used ‘man’ pages and reference materials like the Rute User Manual.  

The cp command is indispensable for copying files and directories. Whether you’re a seasoned system administrator or just starting out with Linux, becoming proficient with ‘cp’ can significantly enhance your efficiency. The ‘cp’ command has many valuable iterations, and mastering it will enhance your Linux journey. 

Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the cp command is:


  • SOURCE: The file(s) or directory(ies) you want to copy.
  • DESTINATION: The location where you want to copy the source to.

For example, to copy a file named file.txt to a new file named file_backup.txt, you would use:

cp file.txt file_backup.txt

Copying Files

The most straightforward use of cp is to copy a single file. If the destination file exists, it will be overwritten without any warning. To avoid this, you can use the -i (interactive) option, which prompts you before overwriting:

cp -i file.txt file_backup.txt

If you want to copy a file to a different directory while preserving its name, you can specify the directory as the destination:

cp file.txt /backup/

To copy the file under a different name in the destination directory, specify the new name:

cp file.txt /backup/new_file.txt

Copying Directories

To copy directories, including all their contents, use the -R (recursive) option:

cp -R source_directory destination_directory

This command copies the entire directory structure, including subdirectories and files.

Preserving Attributes

When copying files, the new file is owned by the command user. To preserve the original file’s mode, ownership, and timestamps, use the -p option:

cp -p file.txt file_backup.txt

Verbose Output

For detailed information about the copy operation, use the -v (verbose) option:

cp -v file.txt file_backup.txt

This will display each file being copied.

Updating Files

The -u (update) option copies the file only if the source file is newer than the destination file or if the destination file does not exist:

cp -u file.txt file_backup.txt

No Overwrite

To prevent cp from overwriting existing files, use the -n (no-clobber) option:

cp -n file.txt file_backup.txt

Combining Options

You can combine multiple options to tailor the cp command to your needs. For example, to copy a directory recursively, preserve attributes, and get verbose output, you can use:

cp -Rpv source_directory destination_directory

Advanced Iterations

Copying Multiple Files

You can copy multiple files to a directory in a single command. List the files followed by the destination directory:

cp file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt /backup/

Using Wildcards

Wildcards can be used to copy multiple files matching a pattern. For example, to copy all .txt files to a directory:

cp *.txt /backup/

Backup Existing Files

The –backup option creates a backup of each existing destination file before copying. This is useful when you want to ensure that no data is lost:

cp --backup file.txt file_backup.txt

Suffix for Backup Files

You can specify a suffix for backup files using the –suffix option:

cp --backup --suffix=.bak file.txt file_backup.txt

Practical Examples

Example 1: Copying a File

This command copies document.txt to the /home/user/documents/ directory.

cp document.txt /home/user/documents/

Example 2: Copying a Directory

cp -R /home/user/photos /backup/

This command copies the entire photos directory to the /backup/ directory.

Example 3: Preserving File Attributes

cp -p report.txt /backup/report_backup.txt

This command copies report.txt to /backup/ while preserving its attributes.


The cp command is a versatile and powerful tool in the Linux command-line arsenal. You can efficiently manage file and directory copies by mastering its various options and iterations, ensuring data integrity and saving time. Whether you’re performing simple file copies or complex directory backups, the cp command has you covered. For more information be sure to consult the GNU Core Utilities.

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