ATO Pictures


The pictures from ATO 2023 have been posted and there are some good ones of me. These were all taken by the official ATO photographer. The image above is me at the signing. The line was pretty long and remained that way until it became obvious that I was running out of books.

Signing one of my books.

Some of the people in that line were starting new businesses, some wanted to become Linux System Administrators, while others wanted to improve their skills. I enjoyed talking to all of them. It was too bad there wasn’t more time to talk to everyone but I did run into a few in the hallway track and we did talk a little more.

I had copies of four out of five of my books to give away, including my older books. I had on hand two of the three books in the 2nd edition of my Using and Administering Linux self-study training series along with a few copies of The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins and a few of Linux for Small Business Owners.

Giving my presentation.

I also gave a well-attended talk about using and having fun with the Bash command line. That was fun and I received a big ovation when I told the audience that I had never used Windows as a primary operating system on any of my personal computers.

Click on the pictures for large versions. You can also see all of the pictures from ATO.

I also had some of my older books for signing.