Linux Malware scanning using ClamAV
Image via Creative Commons, modified by Introduction There are many different ways of protecting a system, right from keeping the software up-to-date, to removing...
Is Linux Still Linux?
Many things have changed since Linus Torvalds released the Linux kernel in 1992. Is it still Linux — or not?
How to do fast, repeatable Linux installations #1 — Bash scripts
Image by: Some of my articles and an entire book have been about The Linux Philosophy For SysAdmins and its impact on the daily...
Holiday Fireworks
I realized just a few days ago that should do something to celebrate the U.S. Independence day holiday on the 4th of July. And...
Two open source desktop recording tools
A picture might be worth a thousand words, but a video demonstration can save much talking. I'm a visual learner, so seeing how to do...
The Linux Filesystem Hierarchical Standard
In Linux, and many other operating systems, directories can be structured in a tree-like hierarchy. The Linux directory structure is well defined and documented in the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This standard has been put in place to ensure that all distributions of Linux are consistent in their directory usage. Such consistency makes writing and maintaining shell and compiled programs easier for SysAdmins because the programs, their configuration files, and their data, if any, should be located in the standard directories.
Can Windows security get any worse?
Really -- the lack of security. If you've been reading this site or my books for any length of time, you know my attitude towards...
How is rebuilding a community after the death of an organization
For about ten years, a large number of writers from around the world contributed articles to OSDC, as we called it, published thousands of articles, helped to guide and mentor many of us as we began or boosted our writing careers. OSDC also helped some of us make connections into the book publishing world. We were a vibrant and active community.
OSDC was created and supported by Red Hat — until it was purchased by IBM and soon deemed extraneous.
Learn how is rebuilding that community.
Celebrating 30 years of FreeDOS
FreeDOS is a great example of the open source model: developers working together to create new programs
How many usability testers do you need?
It doesn’t take many testers to get results that are “good enough” to improve your design.
Intro to the Linux chgrp and newgrp commands
In a recent article, I introduced the chown command, which is used for modifying ownership of files on systems. Recall that ownership is the combination...
Screencasts for usability testing
With screencasts, you can extend your usability testing.
Intro to the Linux chown command
Image by: CC-by-SA 4.0 Every file and directory on a Linux system is owned by someone, and the owner has complete control to change...
Usability testing in open source software
Through usability testing, we can make open source software projects easier for everyone to use.
Intro to the Linux chmod command
Every object on your Linux system has a permission mode that describes what actions a user can perform on it. There are three types of...
Tips on writing open source documentation
Adjust your style when writing documentation to reach a wider audience.