Create a patch from differences in a file with the diff and patch commands
When you collaborate on a digital project with someone, it's a guarantee that eventually someone's going to need to send you changes they've made to...
Resurrecting a Windows laptop
Recently, a friend gave me a recent model of a Hewlett-Packard Pavilion laptop. He said, “It turns on but goes off almost immediately. Maybe you...
How to get a clean screen — on the command line
After some time using terminal sessions they can get a bit cluttered with previous commands and their output data streams. At other times, I want...
How many releases of Fedora can I upgrade from?
Upgrades are an important part of a SysAdmin's job, whether you know you're one or not. If you think about updates and upgrades, then you...
A little Vim trick I learned today
I learned a neat new trick today that greatly improves my work with Vim when I'm editing code. I like to copy and paste snippets...
Setting the status line for the Screen program
In my recent article about the Screen program, I mention that one of the best things about the Screen program is that it gets out of the way and lets you just do your work. As a result, there may be no on-screen indication that you’re in a Screen session. That can cause a bit of bother.
I decided to investigate. What I found is interesting.
3 ways to read files in C
There’s the simple way, and there’s the fast way. Let’s compare.
Serial communication on Linux
Learn to use the ancient serial communications hardware and software methods that are needed even today in many data centers.
Using ‘if’ in a Bash script
Writing a short Bash script can save typing lots of instructions at the command line.
Transfer files between your phone and Linux
Are you looking for a way to quickly copy files from your iPhone or Android mobile device to your Linux computer or from your Linux...
Make swap better with zram on Linux
The ideal swap configuration depends on your use case and the amount of physical RAM in your host computer. Zram is a compressed RAM disk...
Cronopete: A graphical backup utility for Linux
Cronopete is a graphical backup utility for Linux that is modeled after Apple's Time Machine. It aims to simplify the creation of periodic backups by...
Wordsmith on the Linux command line with dict
Check your spelling with the dict command.
Inxi: Unleashing the Power of Linux System Insights through Command Line Mastery
In the world of Linux, where power and flexibility reign supreme, one of the most valuable tools at a user's disposal is the command line...
My Laptop Has No Numlock LED
Note: The tool described in this post worked on Fedora 33 but no longer works with Fedora 34. Because this code is no longer maintained...
Fedora name resolution fails
Image by: CC-by-SA 4.0 I installed Fedora 33 on October 27, 2020, the first day it became available. One of the major changes, a...