New Case for my Primary Workstation
I just rebuilt my primary workstation in a new frame, the CoolerMaster MasterFrame 700. This is not a review but I just want to show...
Creating test files
Some of my books and articles require you to create some files for testing. This can be done easily from the command line. Open a...
Download problems with “Using and Administering Linux – Zero to SysAdmin” files
Some files for experiments do not download properly It was brought to my attention by reader Benjamin Robertson that experiments that use the wget command...
Fedora 35 First Look
It has been a while since I posted anything here. For that I apologize, but I have been busy with a number of projects and...
Using my own books
One of the things I state in the Introductions about my books is that I use them myself as references and this week was no...
Setting the number of desktop workspaces for Xfce4
I just learned something very cool. Sometimes it is necessary to make remote modifications to a desktop using the command line. In this case I...
Installing Fedora 32 on System76 Oryx Pro
In November 2018 I ordered an Oryx Pro laptop with a 17" display from System76. This laptop came with the System76 version of Ubuntu, POP_os!....
Copy and Paste fails
After a recent upgrade to my primary workstation, and a new installation on a couple virtual machines, I discovered that copy and paste was not...
Migrate Thunderbird Config from one Linux Computer to Another
While getting ready to do a presentation at Open Source 101 in a few days, I decided that it would be good to reinstall POP_os!...
Speaking at Open Source 101
I will be speaking at Open Source 101 in Columbia, SC, on March 3. I will present an extended 3 hour session entitled, "Configuring and...
Late yesterday I finished proofing that last of the three books in my Using and Administering Linux: Zero to SysAdmin series. Although there may be...
Book Details Updated
Now that we have revised the structure and Table of Contents for my upcoming three volume book, Using and Administering Linux -- Zero to SysAdmin,...
Innovative New Linux Desktops and other Changes in Fedora 30
Fedora 30 was released on April 30. The Fedora Wiki contains a complete list of the changes that were accepted for inclusion in this release....
Upgrading to Fedora 30
Yesterday, April 30, Fedora 30 became available. Fedora 30 has some interesting new features as well as some bug fixes so I decided that I...
Why I Hate Windoze
I was working with a VM this afternoon that has WInblowz 10 installed to do some testing for a book and took a few screen shots to include in that book. After I finished up with that, I was going to shut down the VM but then – the Blue Screen of Updates that lasted forever.
Fun with ASCII art on the Linux command line
This really brings back memories of when I worked night shift on an IBM 1401 and we used to print ASCII art on the IBM...