GUI disk usage analyzers in Linux
For people who prefer visual representations, these GUI-based tools help you understand how your storage capacity is used.
Sometimes the visual representation of disk utilization is easier or newer users may not be as familiar with the various Linux commands that display storage information. I am a person who comprehends visual representations more easily than the printout on the command line.
Tweak your system performance with ‘noatime’
Turn off “access time” to make a slight but noticeable improvement on system performance.
Mastering Storage Management on Linux
Knowing how much of your disk is being used by your files is an important consideration, no matter how much storage you have. My laptop...
A Linux user’s guide to Logical Volume Management
Managing disk space has always been a significant task for sysadmins. Running out of disk space used to be the start of a long and complex series of tasks to increase the space available to a disk partition. Logical Volume Management makes these tasks easy and even unnecessary.