Print double-sided documents with this Bash script
Use Bash to print 2-sided documents on a printer that can only print on one side.
How to write your first article with
Join the community by writing an article for
Print a spooky greeting in ASCII art
Generate colorful ASCII art from a C program using FreeDOS.
Portable programming practices
Sometimes it’s easier to define your API to hide the platform-specific code
Writing portable C programs
Jim shares this follow-up to an earlier article about programming across platforms.
Celebrating technical writing with open source software
Celebrate the National Day on Writing by sharing your first article about open source software.
Calculate letter frequency in gawk
Write a gawk script to determine the most (and least) common letters in a set of words.
Programming across platforms
Using these C compiler preprocessor directives to detect the operating system can make it easier to support multiple platforms at once.
4 ways to write your first article
Write an article about your open source experience.
Write a guessing game in ncurses
Use the flexibility of ncurses to create a guess-the-number game on Linux.
Terminal size and ncurses
When programs like vi first came along, terminals had a predefined size: usually 80 columns and 24 lines (actually 25 lines, but the last line...
Searching text files from the command line
The find command is a powerful and flexible tool to locate files under a path.
Random numbers from the Linux kernel
Let the kernel generate random numbers for you using ‘getrandom.’
A gentle introduction to ncurses
You can create your own programs that use a text user interface to control the screen.
Learn C by writing a number guessing game
The “Guess the number” game is a fun way to learn a new programming language.
Editing files with FreeDOS Edlin
Edlin is a classic editor from the early DOS days, but it’s still a fun and useful editor.